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Lotto Winners 15 June 2017
The meaning of dreams and how they relate to our lives
The 10 Most Common Dreams and What They Mean

The Facts and Figures Behind Our Dreams
Did you know that men’s dreams more often than not will be set outdoors and involve a lot of action? Meanwhile women are more likely to have dreams set inside and featuring emotional connections with people they know well. Are you aware that 65% of people know when they are dreaming, and can influence their dreams accordingly? How about that men’s dreams are populated by more men than women, while women’s dreams usually have an equal gender balance? Check out the infographic below for even more facts about dreaming that might just keep you awake at night.
The Meaning of the 10 Most Common Dreams
While scientists are unsure of the exact meaning of our dreams, a number of possible explanations for common dreams have been proposed. There are no definitive answers as to why our dreams take the shape that they do, but if dreams are our brains way of making sense out of life, it seems likely they are strongly connected to our waking lives. We take a look at some of the most popular hypothesis regarding the meaning of dreams which have been regularly experienced by people all over the world. We also attempt to address some of the issues which are raised by these dreams, and offer suggestions for real life action which can be taken to address these issues.
1. Being Chased
One of the most common experiences faced by both men and women alike is that of being chased by something or somebody. This may reflect a problem or a person that you are avoiding in real life. There may be an issue in your life which you are subconsciously steering clear of rather than confronting head on. Sometimes this type of dream can be inspired by a fear of failure in your waking life. Running away from danger is a primordial instinct, but sometimes we need to face up to our pursuers in order to avoid the same thing happening indefinitely.
Real World Action: If a person is chasing you in your dreams, try to focus on what they look like and whether it reminds you of anybody in your waking life. Is there a relationship which is causing you stress? Maybe a problem you have with your boss, your mother or partner which needs to be resolved and cannot be avoided any further. If you cannot see who or what is chasing you in your dreams then it may refer to an issue which has not become clear to you yet. Try to think about what causes stress in your life, and what you can do to resolve the problem.
2. Taking an Exam
Most of us have experienced a dream which takes us back to our school or college days and the prospect of taking an exam. Stressing about the exam can reflect stress you are feeling in real life, or maybe a lack of confidence in your ability. Dreaming about cheating in an exam may be a reflection of the way you approach issues in real life, while being caught cheating could expose a fear of humiliation or being found out for not being completely honest in some situations.
Real Life Action: If there is something in your personal or professional life which is causing you to doubt yourself, then focus on how you can overcome the problem. Do you need to ask for assistance from a colleague with an area of your working life? This type of dream could mean you are unhappy with the way your career is progressing, so if you are stuck in a rut at work it could be time to think about making a change. If you feel your are being somehow dishonest in some aspect of life, it may be time to think about bringing things out into the open.
3. Flying
The sensation of flying through the air could be a night-time escape from problems you are experiencing during the day, or it could reflect the freedom you feel in your every-day life. Feelings of exhilaration may be connected to creative or artistic freedom which you experience in your work or hobbies. A fear of flying could suggest that something in your life is out of control, and you feel powerless to halt this.
Real Life Action: If something in your life is tying you down, then think about what exactly that is and how you can resolve it. Pressures at home and at work can make you feel restricted and unable to breathe, but you have the power to change your circumstances. If you feel that something in your life is going out of control – overspending perhaps, or endangering a relationship with your actions – then this is something you should sit down and address. Think about the pros and cons of continuing with this behaviour, and if you believe change is required then consider looking into getting professional help.
4. Teeth Falling Out
Dreaming that your teeth are loose or falling out is particularly disturbing, and this is a dream which is more often experienced by women than men. This type of dream can refer to a feeling of lacking in confidence or of powerlessness. Sometimes it relates to a communication issue, something which perhaps you should have spoken out about but did not. It may also relate to a feeling of loss, whether of aging and losing looks, or losing money or a job.
Real Life Action: Can you identify a particular issue in life which is causing you unhappiness? Is there a conversation that needs to take place with somebody in your life? Look for the support of a trusted friend or colleague if needs be, and speak up about the issue that is concerning you. If you are worried about losing something in life then focus on what you can do to prevent or reduce this loss. Is there an alternative way to generate money? Would a change of diet or exercise help with concerns about getting older? Managing stress is about controlling how we deal with and react to outside forces.
5. Driving
Driving a vehicle in your dreams is about control and how you feel about the future. Driving along on a sunny day suggests you are in control of your life and know where you are going. An out of control car or vehicle make refer to a lack of control with regards to your life and destiny. Driving fast can relate to risky decisions you have made in life, whereas driving in the dark suggests unhappiness with where your life is going now. If you dream about being the passenger in a car it suggests that somebody else is deciding which road your life is going down.
Real Life Action: Think about where you are going in life and where you want to be. Is there some issue preventing you from getting to where you want to be? Take time to focus on the steps you can take to ensure that your life starts moving in the right direction. This could involve taking a course to help your career prospects. It could be signing up with sports teams or for weekend courses to meet people and broaden your social circle. Even small changes can have a lasting positive impact.
6. Cannot Find Toilet
When you are dreaming of bathrooms, one possible – if somewhat boring - explanation is that your brain is telling you that you need to visit the toilet! If that is not the case then there are other possible interpretations. Dreams about the smallest room in the house can relate to confronting negative issues in life. It could be that you don’t have time in your busy life to address personal issues, have trouble expressing feelings and thus you are holding something inside and are not able to flush it away.
Real Life Action: This type of dream could be telling you that you need to stop putting off dealing with your responsibilities and your own desires and needs. Life can seem pretty hectic at times, but that shouldn’t stop you from finding time to deal with personal matters. Work out a schedule so that you are able to organise your time in advance. If there is something you have been postponing, build a window into your planner so that you will definitely get it done.
7. Being Naked in Public
This is a very common dream for both men and women. It reflects a feeling of vulnerability and insecurity and possibly shame. Maybe there is something that you are keeping secret and you fear the reactions of others when they discover the truth. This interpretation suggests that you need to become more open in certain relationships. However, a dream where you are enjoying the sensation of being naked can mean that you are confident in yourself and are in a place where you feel comfortable and relaxed.
Real Life Action: If there is some aspect of your life which you are concealing from others, think about ways to bring it into the open. It could be an issue you are having at work or at home, but finding someone you trust to unburden too is a positive step to take. Tricky patches in relationships can often benefit from a third party such as a therapist acting as a mediator and allowing you both to share your feelings in a safe environment.
8. Falling
Dreams about falling can speak to insecurities which you feel in your waking life. Perhaps there is something in your life which you have been hanging on to for too long, and it is time to let this part of your life go. Of course, falling by its very nature involves a loss of control, which may mean that events in life are over-powering you. Possibly you failed to achieve a goal or feel that you are running on empty, with too many demands being made of you by others.
Real Life Action: The feeling of becoming overwhelmed by what life throws at us will be familiar to many. More often than not this is something we have agency over, and we can take back control of our own lives. Write down then things which are demanding most of your time on a daily and weekly basis. Think about which ones you can let go of or delegate to other people, either at work or in your personal life. Simply getting a little more help around the house or in the office may allow you the space to breathe.
9. Famous People
Anybody we have met or even seen can make an appearance in our dreams, and that includes celebrities. It may be that you see something of yourself in a particular famous person, whether that is ambition, sense of humour, aggression, glamour or a host of other characteristics. Perhaps you are seeking recognition for your own talents or abilities. On the other hand, if a particular famous face keeps returning to your dreams, it could be a sign that you are spending too long obsessing about this person.
Real Life Action: Think about the characteristics and qualities in the famous person who appears in your dreams, and reflect upon how that relates to yourself. Are there certain talents which you believe others do not recognise? In that case figure out a way that you can bring your abilities to the fore, either at work or at home. If you feel that you are spending too much of your waking life thinking and reading about one celebrity, then maybe it is time to re-focus on the people who form a part of your physical life rather than just your imaginary world.
10. Death
Dreaming about death – yours or that of another person - does not mean that something bad is coming your way. The most common interpretation of this type of dream is that it relates to something ending or changing in your life. This could involve a personal transformation of some sort, either for better or for worse. Experiencing your own death can be related to failures in your real life, the end of relationships or of ambitions. Witnessing the death of ‘bad’ people in your dreams can be read as your facing up to negative areas of your life.
Real Life Action: Consider the areas of your life which have changed or need to change, and think carefully about how this will impact upon your future. You can influence your own destiny, but just need to remove anything which is holding you back or preventing you from meeting your goals. We all need a change sometimes, and whether it was due to choices you made or came as a bolt from the blue, it is up to you to make it into a positive and transformative event.
No doubt you have experienced one, two, three or more of the dreams listed above, as they have been experienced by people from all over the world and from all walks of life. It could be that they slip away from your memory, along with the 90% of dreams that most of us forget. However, the next time that you do remember a dream about falling or taking a school exam, take a moment to reflect upon whether any of the suggested meanings apply to you and your life. If so, maybe your subconscious is trying to tell you something, and it could be that there is an issue which needs to be resolved. Hopefully the suggestions in this article will be of some assistance in that regard. Sweet dreams!
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