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Lotto News 03 August 2017
Become Inspired by Lottery Winners
Never Give Up. Here's 5 Reasons Why

No one has ever become successful or rich in life because he gave up. No-one has yet fulfilled his dreams and desires because he has found yet another excuse to hide. Finding a reason to stop trying and fighting is very easy and that's why most people choose this path. Only successful people choose the hard road which can be full of challenges, fear and perhaps pain. Learn why you should never give up on life and become inspired by the story of winners and famous people who have fulfilled their dreams, even though they have not had an easy path to success.
5 reasons why you should never give up
Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling was a poor, unmarried mother who did not even have enough money to copy her wizardly book for potential publishers. Instead she had to re-write the entire manuscript by hand before sending it off. Before Harry Potter became famous, he had to endure dozens of rejections. The world's biggest rock star, Elvis Presley, was told to forget about a career in the music industry and stick to driving his truck. Young Albert Einstein wasn’t accepted by a prestigious university because he had such ‘crazy’ ideas. The Editor-in-Chief of a newspaper threw Walt Disney out the door because of his ‘lack of creativity’.
Samuel L Jackson did not get his first film role until the ripe old age of 46. Vera Wang, a world-famous designer, lost her job at Vogue magazine, and went on to design her first piece as a 40-year-old. Shakira was not allowed to attend music school because of her "goat-like" voice. Nelson Mandela did not give up even during the critical years he spent in prison. Imagine that these and other famous people had simply called it quits in the face of all these obstacles and unsuccessful attempts. The world would never have known the incredible music, books, movies, and scientific theories that they have produced. Some countries would not recognize the word peace. Still want to give up? Keep reading.
1.You are much stronger than you think
Just because you haven’t achieved your ideal life yet doesn’t mean that you never will. You are much stronger than you think and stronger too than how others may see you. One, two or three failures should not be enough for you to stop. The desire to achieve something is much higher than your doubts. Do not confuse ‘difficult’ with ‘impossible’. Complex does not mean impossible, it just means that you will have to do more.
2. You are much closer to the goal than it seems
Everything takes time. It’s an everyday phrase that contains a whole lot of good sense. You never know how much time your effort will take. You could be on the brink of success, so why risk losing out on your dreams by giving up? Your final destination may be just after the next bend in the road, but when you give up you will never know how the story would have ended and what you could have achieved.
3. Learn to overcome obstacles
The journey is every bit as important as the destination. It’s the journey that will make you stronger, smarter and more experienced. The process of achieving your own goals shapes you for what will later appreciate you. You can surprise yourself. Find out what you are capable of, how strong you are and what you can do. Setting high goals teaches you endurance and builds your self-confidence and sense of self-worth.
4. Do it yourself and let others know that they were wrong
By giving up you are admitting defeat to all those around you who told you that you could never succeed, and who seemed to take pleasure in trying to cut your legs from beneath you. Although what you do you do is primarily for yourself, it is not a bad idea to show your potential to other people, and to be able to demonstrate to the nay-sayers that they were wrong. Instead of giving a big ‘I told you so!’ to everyone who doubted you, try to become their inspiration as a positive role-model. Finally, remember that what doesn’t work for you will work for somebody else, so there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution.
5. Be inspired and inspire others
You learn from others and can become a teacher yourself further down the road. Inspire others by the way you refuse to be defined by failures. On your journey to the top you will inspire and attract others who will become fascinated by your will to succeed. Find people with whom you share similar goals and dreams. If your goal is to be successful, surround yourself with successful people. Become inspired by their stories and later you will inspire them.
Never give up and win money from the lottery
I’m about to relate to you the incredible story of the homeless man who spent the last of his money on the lottery, and won. At the time 55-year-old László Andraschek was living on a street in Hungary and drowning in debt, but he decided to invest the last of his cash in the purchase of a lottery ticket. The winning ticket was bought at a train station when he was travelling to Budapest to attend a workshop for former alcoholics. The moment which changed his life happened when all 7 numbers came up in the draw and he won about 1.45 million euros. That meant that in 2014 he was among the biggest winners of the lottery in Hungary. László used some of the money to buy 6 properties for himself and other family members, but also made a significant donation to the homeless centre which had been his refuge for many years.
The Homeless Man with the goal of buying his own home.
Another inspiring story is that of the homeless man from Colorado, who in December 2015 won $ 500,000 from a scratch-off lottery card. In spite of his unfortunate situation and thanks to the support of the director of the shelter for homeless people, 60-year-old Michael tried his luck. He invested $10 in an ‘Eternal Splendor’ scratchcard and earned half a million dollars. His plans were clear: finding his new home and restoring relationships with his family, and his lottery windfall allowed him to fulfil his ambitions.
He used the win to provide treatment for his unfortunate wife.
Another winner in the lottery, Bruce Magistro, has gone through difficult times. His wife had been fighting for three years against an insidious form of cancer when he managed to score a big lottery win. Most of the $1 million worth of the New York Lottery winnings went towards his wife's treatment, although sadly she passed away from the disease. However, his good fortune didn’t end there as he had an unbelievable second million-dollar win from another scratch-card game called Win for Life, bought in the same store as the previous winning ticket. The second ticket was purchased in May 2016, nearly two years after the death of his wife. Brucov, Nick’s son, believes that the win was a gift from their beloved wife and mother, who was sending the lottery winnings as thanks for her care during her battle against cancer. Bruce believes his luck in the lottery is not over yet: "Hopefully I’ll win again,” he said. “Third time’s a charm!"
After 20 years his dream was fulfilled and he had won the lottery
Former Teacher Robert Fidler, known to everybody as Bob, has shown a really strong dose of patience and determination throughout his life. His goal has always been clear: to win the lottery. The Illinois-based retiree bought his first lotto lottery ticket back in 1992 and since then he has played the same combination of favourite numbers each time the Illinois lottery jackpot has reached $3 million. On July 11, 2012 his lucky digits, which represented special dates associated with his family, brought him more than 4 million US dollars. When he learned about the win, his face blanched and he found it difficult to breathe, even though he had “always said I would win Lotto one day.” Bob used his stroke of good fortune to buy the Cadillac he had always wanted and he made his wife's lifelong dream of going on an African safari come true.
He never gave up, and his win came after 10 years
Do you bet on a regular basis, but haven’t had any success from playing the lottery yet? Don’t worry and don’t give up. Greg McCammon from California followed this advice, continuing to play the American MegaMillions lottery for 10 years with the same set of numbers. Despite years without success, his patience eventually paid off and gave him his long-awaited win in July 2012. McCammon had been playing with the same numbers for so long he couldn’t even remember why he chose them in the first place. The MegaMillion results finally brought him a $341,215 prize on Friday, July 13th, which was definitely a Friday the 13th he will remember with fondness. When asked what he would do with his winnings, well he hadn’t planned much beyond paying some bills and getting himself a new car.