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Lotto Winners 14 March 2016
New Millionaire Visits Lottoland HQ
€14 Million Win on German Lotto

Our recent winner of the €14.04 million German Lotto jackpot was flown to Lottoland HQ last week to get a full tour of the premises. Later, in an award ceremony, he was presented with the obligatory giant cheque by Lottoland CEO Nigel Birrell.
Shy, but Not Shy of a Few Bucks
Our latest winner has only told a handful of people about his win so far and has opted to remain anonymous. For this reason we can't mention him by name. It's also why his face is pixelated in the above image.
What we can tell you is that he's a shy, sensible and hard-working German man who's still coming to terms with his massive windfall.
"I had to sit down to understand whether it's a dream or reality", but reality it most certainly is.
"I got 100% confirmation. The money is on my account. I have requested already the first transaction to my debit account to clear off debts and loans."
"I am really, really happy I can't even describe it in words… Now I don't have to focus on the money anymore and can go on holiday two or three times a year. If I want something I don't have to wonder whether its financially possible and just buy it…."
And what does he plan on buying?
"Maybe a house, now that I don’t have to watch the money, a house with lots of space and some proper furniture… also two cars, one for me and one for my girlfriend. And I want to give some money to my parents and my sister."
More Winners Every Month
As Lottoland continues to grow and expand to other markets big wins are becoming more and more frequent. In recent months we've seen big wins on Spain's "El Gordo" Christmas lottery and America's super-lottery, Powerball.
We're seeing plenty of wins in Australia, the UK and Poland but right now the top scorers are the Germans who are winning huge jackpots month after month.
But what of the luck of the Irish? As more and more Irish players are drawn by our epic jackpots we're confident that we'll start seeing more big wins on the Emerald Isle.
If you like the sound of that check out our huge range of international lotteries and see which one gives you a good feeling, then pick your numbers and - who knows?! - next time maybe we'll even be writing a story about you!